Walks directly from B&B Stigweid
On the OpenStreetMap pages (following links) you can get detailed information by clicking on the map title. This information is in German. If your German abilities are not good enough, ask B&B Stigweid people for help.
B&B Stigweid: "Sehr churzi Rundi"
"Very short round"
Time: 30min., Route length: 1.2km
"Sehr churzi Rundi" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Mit äm Poschti uf dä Bärg"
"Up the mountain by post bus"
Höhenklinik - Chrinne - Bannholz - Dietzikon - B&B Stigweid
Time: 2:00h, Route length: 5.2km
"Mit äm Poschti uf dä Bärg" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Guetnachtrundi"
"Good night round"
Time: 30min., Route length: 1.9km
"Guetnachtrundi" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Zur Höheklinik ufä"
"Up to the Höhenklinik (sanatorium)"
Time: 1:00h(↔︎), Route length: 2.1km (→)
"Zur Höheklinik ufä" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Am Wasserfall verbi"
"Past the waterfall"
Time: 2:15h, Route length: 5.7km
"Am Wasserfall verbi" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Cervelat-Tour"
"Cervelat trip" (famous Swiss sausage which is often used for barbecue)
Höhenklinik – Chrinne – Farneralp – Schwarzenberg
Time: 1:50h(→), Route length: 5.3km (→)
"Cervelat-Tour" at OpenStreetMap
B&B Stigweid: "Zum Bachtelspalt"
"To the Bachtel crevice"
Höhenklinik – Chrinne – Farneralp – Schwarzenberg
Time: 1:15h(→), Route length: 3.9km (→)5.3km (→)
"Zum Bachtelspalt" at OpenStreetMap